When I was 29 I decided I wanted to get serious about this writing thing and so I went to the Myer Centre in Adelaide’s Rundle Mall and used a business card printing machine to create my business card that was supposed to read, Dee Simile , Writer, but the font I chose and the size of the font made my card look like it read, Dee Simile, Waiter.
I have been a waiter in the hospitality sense of the word and I saw the humour in my gaff but it turns out that waiting to write has become a familiar story for me. Despite the humor, I was disappointed with my business cards.
These days it’s not necessary for a writer to have a business card, but it is a good idea for a writer to have a blog, and so, this is mine. I’ve been waiting to start up a blog for years, today I decided the time is now. I’m already enjoying the benefits of having started and hope that you enjoy the stories and poems I have to share.